Kosher shofar


Making sure the Shofar is kosher is an exacting task; many Shofars are disqualified because the horns are fractured or too damaged. A Kosher Shofar needs not only to be sound of structure but also emit a true and good sound to be kosher for the mitzvoth of T’kiyah.

The process of producing a kosher Shofar has not changed much throughout the ages. An animal’s horn, from which any kosher Shofar is constructed, is made up of soft bone tissues covered by an outer layer of keratin (the same material as fingernails). In order to make the Shofar kosher for the mitzvah, the inner tissue layer must be removed.

The type of animal is also significant. Specifically, the animal from which a kosher Shofar is made must also be kosher. The Kudu horn Shofar, otherwise known as a Yemenite Shofar, is sometimes viewed wearily by observant Jews as the Kudu, the African Antelope, is thought by them to be a “Strange beast”. However, the Kudu has been pronounced Kosher by Rabbis of all denominations, and the Kudu horn Shofar has been used for millennia by the observant Yemenite community. Indeed, Kudu Shofars for sale are perhaps the most popular type of Shofar and many Kudu Shofars can be found in the use of non Yemenites.

Another reason for the high availability of Kudu Shofars for sale is the superior quality and tonality of the Kudu horn. Quite simply, a Kudu horn Shofar is far less likely to be disqualified for cracks or suboptimal tonality than the iconic ram horn Shofar. Hence, the kudu Shofar is the ultimate kosher Shofar.

