Horn examination and selection – Meir Bar-Shehet passes on trade secrets to his son Zvi
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- Makor Rishon (Jtimes) 18.09.2009 Rosh Hashanah addition- article about Barsheshet Ribak Shofarot Israel.
- An article about Meir Barsheshet from the sixties.
- Hadassah Magazine, vol. 50 September 1968 article about meir Barsheshet.
- Copy of the original Hadassah Magazine article.
- Rabby yoseff Masas from haifa about meir barsheshet.
- מצגת אודות תהליך ייצור השופרות וסוגי השופרות השונים בחלוקה לעדות ישראל
- Moshavot Magazine Article about Zvi Barsheshet.
- Yaacov Magazine 17.09.90 Article about Avraham Ribak.
- Maariv news paper 9.9.1960 Article about Meir Barsheshet.
- Maariv news papaer 14.9.1966 Article about Avraham Ribak.
- Chabad Youth Magazine 1993 article about Zvi Barsheshet.
- Kol Haair news paper article about Zvi Barsheshet from the 1990’s.
- Friday news paper 14.9.1990 article about Barsheshet Ribak shofarot Israel.
- Israel Nachrichter news paper 23.08.1985 article about Zvi Barsheshet.
- An article about Meir Barsheshet from the 1970’s.
- Jewish Exponent Magazine 13.09.1985 article about Zvi Barsheshet.
- Kol Haaemek and The Krayot Magazine 23.09.1985.
- Kol haifa News Paper 30.08.1985.
- Lev Haair News Paper 6.10.1992.
- Lev Haair News Paper 1993.
- Article about Avraham Ribak from the 1980’s.
- Article about Meir and Zvi Barsheshet in an American magazine from the 1970’s.
- Zvi Barsheshet explains about the shofar on Yediout Haharonot News paper 27.09.1998.
- Israel today News paper 24.09.09 article about Barsheshet Ribak shofarot-Israel.
- The chief Rabbinate of Haifa declares that the Yemenite shofars made by Barsheshet Ribak are kosher.
- Kosher certification תשס”ט
- English Kosher certification תשע”ה
- Hebrew Kosher certification תשע”ה
Herorn examination and selection – Meir Bar-Shehet passes on trade secrets to his son Zvi